Monday, May 27, 2013

Alive and Kicking

I checked my weapons, double checking to make sure that my dagger was still in it's hilt on my belt as we walked out of the cabin. In every spar I had ever had with Sagari I had never come anywhere close to beating her. I was never able to even land a scratch. As we reached the end of the path I looked back at Wolf to see her securing her mask. Behind her was Hart and Fell, who looked VERY unhappy.

"Are you ready?" she asked.

I laughed nervously, my voice catching a bit. "Not at all." I responded. I straightened my back, adopting a steely and more serious look. "Wolf you know there's a chance neither one of us will make it out of this fight alive. You don't have to do this."

“You’re wrong about that, dear. I’m not going to send you out on your own to die because you wouldn’t kill me”

"You remember what I told you though right? If things start to look bad you run."

“I know... I will”

She took my and Fell's hands, Hart rested his hand on her shoulder. Suddenly we found ourselves on a beaten path. I felt a light rain on my skin as I observed my surroundings. I found that we were on a path near the ocean, the waves crashing up onto the shore was heard from the distance. I could see a treeline that began a large forest. Hart dragged Fell further down the path with him. Wolf grabbed my wrist and she pulled me quickly towards the forest. Sagari, as expected, appeared.

"So I see that you decided to help out your psychotic 'Friend'" Sagari's voice portrayed her immense hatred. "A decision you will soon regret."

“Come on then little girl,” Wolf taunted her, removing her survival knife. “Don't be afraid! Come play with us in the forest!” Sagari darted into the forest disappearing into the trees.

"Come out, you damn coward!” My voice echoed throughout the forest. “Come out and face what's coming to you!"

"As you wish." She stepped out from behind one of the trees. Instantly I felt all of my rational self evaporate into my rage as I began to charge toward her, throwing a heavy right hook at Sagari's smug expression. Sagari's smirk widened as she grasped my arm swinging me over to the side and slamming me into one of the trees with a loud crack, pinning my arms down onto the rough bark. "Really you sparred me all the times and you thought that would work. You really are pathetic."
I furrowed my eyebrows as I glared at her, suddenly she relaxed her grip as a swift blur of silver slashed through the air from where she once was, Wolf stood a few paces away as we locked our eyes onto Sagari who was now standing a couple yards away, an arrogant smirk adorning her face. "Lovely, It will be fun to tear you both apart at the same time."

I then yanked out one of my smaller daggers, flicking my wrist quickly as the blade gave a small thud as it speared at the tree were Sagari once was, in a blur she was there. Smashing her fist into the left of my collar bone, the swiftness of the punch launching, me back into the tree. A red haze edged along my vision as pain lanced its way up throughout my arm. I gritted my teeth, holding back a shout as I steadied myself. I looked up to see Sagari drawing her rapier, blood running down her side. Wolf was on the ground struggling to stand.

“You ruin everything.” Sagari spat. I tried to take advantage of her distraction only to be bashed in the face with the pommel of her rapier.

While I was reeling She rushed forward and before I could react she slashed her sword blood spurting from my chest as an X formed. I couldn't stop myself from taking a knee. My vision began to blur as I struggled not to pass out. I stood breathing heavily. Wolf had managed to give Sagari a long cut across her stomach. I attacked Sagari leaped back before darting forward with a thrust her rapier pierced my torso. I fell to my knees clutching my stomach. My vision blurred, at this point I had lost a lot blood.

“You take everything from me!” I heard Sagari yell. Wolf was dodging around Sagari's sword as she tried to stab her. “My brother was fourteen when that thing you serve found us!” She snarled “It took his mind and made him kill our parents!” I saw Wolf manage to land a blow. Before being bashed in the head with Sagari's pommel. Sagari thrust her sword forward pinning Wolf to the tree.

I tried to get up. But found that I couldn't. I was barely conscious at this point.

“Do you know what happened after he killed my parents?” Sagari continued “He snapped out of it then and killed himself after he realized what he did!” I knew I had lost too much blood. The edge of my vision began to go black. I could barely make out what Sagari was saying. “All I have left is revenge. I won’t rest until your master and all of your kind is destroyed!”

She removed the sword from Wolf's shoulder and slammed her head into the tree. Wolf began to slide down the tree. I blearily made out Sagari raising her sword high ready to end Wolf's life.

You know how people say that when your about to die your life flashes before your eyes? I never thought that was true but at that moment it did.

My mother's body parts spread about her room, my father crying covered in blood....

Both my brothers running into the forest and never coming back.....

Sitting uselessly as Izzy was taken.....

The look of shock and fear on Nick's face as his throat was slit.........

Holding Izzy as the life left her eyes.....

"She had the most beautiful light green hair"

My entire life had only been failures. Everyone precious to me dying and I was always useless. SO FUCKING USELESS. It wouldn't happen again.

"You know I love you right?"

Never again.......

I jumped to my feet adrenaline flooding my veins. I rushed forward faster than should have been possible and planted my dagger into Sagari's back. Sagari turned a look of shock adorning her face. She thrust her sword forward but it was like she was moving in slow motion. I weaved around it and grabbed her wrist with a quick movement SNAP! She screamed dropping her sword and holding her now broken wrist. I walked over to Wolf as she stood up. We nodded to each other before both of us rushed Sagari she could do nothing as Wolf delivered a bone shattering punch to her ribs followed by me delivering a crushing kick to her solar plexus. She took a half ass swing at me but I easily batted away the clumsy attempt before punching her in the face shattering her nose.

With a scream of rage Sagari lunged at Wolf who simply side stepped and kneed her knocking the wind out of her. As Sagari quickly turned Wolf stomped on her knee cap a sickening crack filled the air as Sagari screamed and fell. Wolf stood over her ready to end it.

"You don't understand!" Sagari exclaimed gasping for breath. Her voice was raspy from screaming. "I did what I had to. Roy I always had your best interest in mind." I stepped in front of Wolf stopping her from ending it.

"No I understand enough you got me thrown into this mess! Why me? Why did you choose me?!" I had obviously lost my cool at this point.

Sagari began to cry.

"I saw your potential Roy! Izzy was a necessary loss. Don't you see that? I had amazing plans for you. You would do so much good! But then...." She looked at Wolf, hatred burning in her eyes. "She came along and corrupted you. When Izzy died you were supposed to finally see people like her for what they truly were......monsters!"

"Your the only monster here Sagari. Because of you the women I loved more than anything in the world is gone." I said as tears began to stream from my eyes. I couldn't help it god dammit.

“I'm the monster? Did you hear what I told your ‘friend’ a few minutes ago. Do you know how I know that’s what happened? I was there! I was only five years old and I was forced to witness it all.” She started to laugh through her tears “My brother thought that thing was some type of god but he is not. The Slenderman is an animal that must be put down just like all of his followers, for they are a cancer on the world, only capable of corruption and death”

My eyes widened as I realized how similar her situation was to mine. The only difference was how we chose to deal with it. I realized in her twisted thought process she was only doing what she thought was right.

“You’re a delight, Sagari.” Wolf said “It has been a pleasure, but I do think it is just about time to end this, wouldn’t you say Roy?”

“Wait Wolf….” Somehow I think she already knew what I was going to say. “We…we have her beaten, let’s just walk away.

“Oh Roy…”

“I know what you’re going to say… I know how this is going to sound but we shouldn't kill her. I don’t want any more blood on my hands than necessary.”

“Then you walk away and let me do it, hero. She has made it abundantly clear that she wishes me dead. Killing her now, before she gets a chance to make good on her threats seems like the most practical course of action. If you can’t then I will. I’ll be the monster. I’ll carry the sin; no blood on your hands”

“You know I can’t do that either”

“Why not? She is the reason that you’re here, is she not? She brought you and Izzy into this mess then had the gall to torture you the second you disobeyed. She could try it again. She could attempt revenge on you. Do you really want to leave an enemy that could come back to harm you later? What happened to your resolve? "

“I know. I remember what she did and I want to kill her. I want stab her in the fucking face for the misery she brought upon my life. But I understand now. She's suffered just like us. If we do this we're no better than her."

“What did I tell you before, hero? Everybody has a sad story to tell. Her story does not excuse her actions any more than mine does. We all must take responsibility for the path we choose.”

“I agree, but there’s a better way than this. Her hate has consumed her and led her to try to take revenge on all of your kind, without exception and without seeing the individuals that make up the group. I don’t want to follow the same path by seeking revenge back on her. Instead we should give her the chance to see that she was wrong and decide to change. You can teach her that things aren’t as black and white as she would like to think.” I looked at her with pleading eyes. "I can't stop you from doing this Wolf you know that. But please...there doesn't have to be anymore bloodshed."

“…God damn it Roy, you play the game too well sometimes. Fine, I will show mercy. I don’t like this but I’ll do it for your sake, if nothing else.”

“Thank you, my friend” I said, breathing a sigh of relief
“Heh… Always too kind for your own good. Always trying to rise above and save everyone But then, that is why you remain a hero in my eyes.”

She turned to Sagari.

“As for you, my dear, count yourself lucky and learn from this. Know that should you threaten me or Roy again, I will not show this same mercy. ”

At this point the adrenaline chose to leave my body. All the affects from the blood loss, and the pain hit me at once and my vision once again began to blur. Wolf looked at me.

"Well dear ready to go home?"

"Well Wolf....with that done I think I'm going to go ahead and die...."

and then everything went black.


Apparently from there Wolf took me to one of Hart's contacts, a doctor. Though I am still injured I feel I have overstayed my welcome. Were lucky Slender hasn't appeared yet. So I will be leaving very soon. 

heheh.....I probably shouldn't even be up right now. My wounds feel like there on fire. But I've always had a problem with sitting still.

Anyways...I also have another problem...I noticed it when I woke up. That.....that damn song. It's back.  At first I was confused....But I may have an idea of why it has returned. I thought when Sagari had touched my forehead she had destroyed his influence. But I realize that no one can destroy it. She had simply blocked it, put up a wall. By fighting Sagari I had cut ties with her and Sanctuary effectively destroying said wall. I'm not too worried yet it is only softly in the back of my head.

I have yet to inform Wolf.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

well......this may be it

Tomorrow I fight Sagari with Wolf. I feel as though I'm marching to my death. So this post will be short.

I wanted to make sure to thank you guys for all of your help and support. I couldn't have survived this long without you all. So thank you. I guess that's all I have to say.

Until next time.....if there is one.


Friday, May 24, 2013


So pain killers wore off already, faster than I thought they would. I'm now terribly embarrassed, Fell hates me even more if possible, and Harts avoiding me like the plague(I must of done something). I think I also may have irritated Wolf. Which I really hope I didn't do.

Anyways I've taken notice that many Bloggers have been using music. So I decided this post would be dedicated to a music. A song for some of the fears:

Slenderman: oh my god just.....I love this

The Cold Boy: ..........  :'(

The Black Dog: I didn't encounter him just wanted to do him anyways

The Empty City: Not sure I actually encountered this one putting it on here just in case....also not to fond of this band just thought this song just fit.

The Unnamed Child: theme song of my life.

Darkness: pretty much just for the title.

For people:

Wolf: It's cheesy as hell and annoys the crap outta me but I hope it gets the point across.

Fell: hopefully this doesn't just piss you off even more...

Med: Thought you'd appreciate this...or it would irritate you. Either way *shrugs* made me laugh my ass off.

Ash or Spyre or whoever you are at the moment: Never been a big Beatles fan but figured you could use something to cheer you up.

Rose: Nick showed me this scarred me for life. I picked it because I know how much you love skittles.

Nick: reminds me of you.

So there MUSIC FOR ALL. Except the ones I forgot. ROY OUT!

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Ohh myyyyy goooooddd I found pain meds in my backpack I actually forgot I had these

My hands WERE hurting but not anymore cuz I took a bunch buuut I think may have took a few too many...SO how are you guys today??? I was good but Hart won't play video games with me...probably cuz I whooped his ass last time.

I was gonna ask Fell to spar but Wolf told me that was a bad idea soooooo then I asked Wolf if she wanted to spar and she said something like "your not in the right state of mind and blah blah blah...." So yea.

I'm gonna go bug Wolf to spar again byeeeee

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Had a friendly dinner with Wolf this evening. It was nice...felt almost normal. I'm too tired to type anything else so if you want anymore details just look here.

Kay goodnight everyone.

Monday, May 20, 2013

"Did you play that game I told you about?" Izzy asked. We sat on the couch her head on my shoulder as I held her.

"Of course dear."

"And?" She asked me in her usual excited tone.

"Terrified the hell outta me." She giggled sweetly at this.

"Oh? Is my big strong man scared of a faceless business man?" She asked in a mocking tone.

I let out a throaty chuckle, holding her tighter. "Are you kidding me? Of course not. As if something like that could be real."

She brushed her lips against mine. "You know I love you right?" She asked.

"I love you to." I said flustered from the simple kiss. God I was such a wuss back then.

"Sure your not scared?" She asked teasing me.

Another chuckle. "Yes I'm sure. Where did you hear about this Slenderman anyways?"

"It was this girl I met on the way back from my accounting class."


"Yeah! She bumped into me spilling my coffee and she was so apologetic. She offered to buy me lunch and you know I never turn down a free lunch."

"Yea I know." I said grinning at her.

"So over lunch we learned more about each other and found we both loved all things horror. From there she asked me if I had ever heard of the slenderman. She went on telling me about him. When I got home I looked him up and found myself unable to stop researching him. He's just so damn fascinating!" She finally stopped and took a breath.

"Does this mystery girl have a name?"

"I can't really remember....I'm sure she told me."

"Well what did she look like then? I might have saw her around campus."

"She was pale and....oh yeah! She must have been foreign or something because she claimed it was natural."

"Claimed that what was natural?"

"She had the most beautiful light green hair."